Does Viagra Work

Does Viagra Work? My Story Of The Little Blue Pill., Does the little blue pill work?
If Viagra Does Not Work, Cialis or Levitra May
If you have tried Viagra and it determined it is not suitable for you for any reason, it is a good idea to try Cialis or Levitra. Everyone has different response to different medications, so it may be that Levitra works better for your body or Cialis may.
It is always recommended to consult your doctor is you suffer from erectile dysfunction. Your doctor can check there is no serious underlying health condition that is causing the issue.
Even though Viagra comes in 100mg standard dose whereas Levitra and Cialis are both 20 mg, all three medications have a similar mechanism once ingested. They are all PDE 5 inhibitors. Cialis and Levitra which are newer drugs, are better targeted and therefore require less active ingredient to be taken for the sale effect. Erectile dysfunction medications will not work unless sexual stimulation takes place. They will not automatically increase your desire.
I found it started working about 15 to 25 minutes after taking it and my penis went rock hard at age 44 this was like being a teenager once again.
With the one pill I had sex 2 times in our time frame, I could feel more blood in my penis than what it was on a average day.
I did get a slight headache with in the first hour or 2 but did not need a pain pill, It felt like a good headache, sure I did feel sleepy after my first orgasm… and then again after our second session but that tends to be normal.